June 29, 2006

The Big Bang theory works for me!

So, my little world view says life is good when life is easy. I love life to go smoothly. I pray for that , in fact. But lately, to no avail. I have decided that the big bang theory works in my own life. One minute eveything is chocoate cake and great, and the next, my entire miniscule universe is spinning out of control! I hate change! I have just come face to face with that monster in the dressing room, and for me, that's a very big deal! Currently life has been, should we say, a little upside down and I feel completely overwhelmed! "Oh, so wait. God, you mean I'm not in control? What?!" And I laugh in my frustration and ignorance and I want to cry about this wretched, helpless state.
Recently, as many of you know, Drake and I moved. This, I thought, would be great, and I was excited to be living with friends from church and it would be..... chocolate cake!
There was no cake in their kitchen. In fact, I got so frustrated one day that I cried because I couldn't find the stupid can opener!!! Yes, you can laugh. But it bothered me that I didn't know. (We all know that we all know everything, I know) BIG BANG! The realization that I don't know anything and have little control over many things began to sink in as I deal with my monster called change. Adapting at will is one thing, but forced change is quite another. And as you all know, people are stubborn. "God, are you trying to tell me something?" Kinda reminds me of the Isrealites...
So, I admit my faults, and with my husband's wonderful grace and patience, I am learning to like lumpy cake. It's not so bad at all! And through talking with my good friend Crys, God has helped me to realize that the hard times are the most important times. It's like a crisis- the more He can teach and the more I learn. When things are easy and smooth, you take things for granted, you pray less, you think you are in control! Here's what the moral of the story is:
Hard times almost always reveal one's own personal character. And change comes with time, but for me, first it comes with a big bang!

June 25, 2006

Please welcome me... I have arrived!

When I was born, I was a surprise! If I could talk, this is what I would have said "Please welcome me... I have arrived!" Well, it was 1981 and my momma was 7 months prego. I won't go into huge detail on everything, however, in short: my mother's doc was away and she got this terrible advice from doctor "Stupid". He figured that she was big enough and induced her labour, of course not realizing that there may have been and slight possibility that perhaps she could be carrying twins! So, there we were, Crystal first and everything was an uproar, because she was incredibly tiny (3 lbs, 5 oz)! But... 15 minutes later, Stupid says, "I think there's another one..." and SURPRISE! I was born (3 lbs, 1 oz).